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Neighborhood Watch
Law Enforcement officers report substantial decreases in crime when neighbors unite. A local program like Neighborhood Watch, Apartment Watch, Block Watch, Town Watch, and Crime Watch - no matter what it is called - is one of the most effective answers law enforcement has to stopping crime. Watch groups build neighborhood togetherness which helps overcome the isolation created and fed upon by crime.

Neighborhood Watch groups are extra eyes and ears for reporting crime and suspicious behavior to law enforcement. They are not vigilantes. A Watch group is not designed to replace law enforcement protection; rather it is an extension or supplement to assist law enforcement in making neighborhoods safer for all citizens.

Effective law enforcement relies on early and accurate reporting of criminal activity. Your neighbors are a vital link to law enforcement in stopping crime. They know when you are home and what type of car you drive. A neighbor can be the first person to spot a burglar in your home, or a strange car in your driveway. Law enforcement officers use Watch Groups to educate participants on how to deter crime, delay criminals from getting away, and detect crimes in progress. Information concerning immediate criminal activity can be passed on to participants along with effective strategies to combat problem areas.

A Neighborhood Watch Group helps create an identity within the neighborhood, which in turn fosters a sense of pride and belonging for the members. A Watch Group makes its neighborhood a safer place to live in by active attitude. As a result, people become more aware of strange vehicles, persons, or circumstances. This will not take a lot of time and soon develops into a daily habit of being more aware of what is going on in the neighborhood.

Neighborhood Watch Group programs take many forms, but in all cases, organization by blocks is the cornerstone of all citizen crime prevention programs.

Neighborhood Watch Group

A Crime watch unit cannot work well without citizen volunteers in key positions such as Area Coordinators to assume certain duties and responsibilities.

The Area Coordinator serves as the main contact between law enforcement and your neighborhood watch by receiving information provided by law enforcement and passing it on to block captains.

WarningBlock Captains pass on the information received from the area coordinator to the individual residential households and recruit replacement block captains when positions open up. Block Captains also Maintain, update and distribute New Neighbor Packets and Home Security Manuals to each of the residents as well as submit Crime Watch sign requests and funds.

(New Neighbor Packets contains a cover letter, neighborhood phone and/or email list, Nine House Sheet, various pamphlets, and a McGruff House Application.)

Neighbor Responsibilities

As a crime watch neighbor, your responsibilities is to be a good neighbor by watching out for one another's family members, property and by reporting suspicious activity to the Sheriff's Office or Police Department. You should know the three (3) neighbors across the street from your home, on each side, and the three (3) neighbors behind your residence. YOU should have a heightened awareness for your neighbor's welfare and you should be more than willing to report suspicious activity to the Sheriff's Office or Police Department. Citizens can be assured that when they report suspicious activity, their name will be held in strictest confidence.


Download Good Neighbor Program, PDF format

Information Relay System

The telephone information relay system is the second part of the Neighborhood Watch Program. It involves area residences of the crime watch program who form a system to relay information on suspected criminal activities in the crime watch area. This information is provided by law enforcement and is then passed to each resident. The information can be used by crime watch participants to identify criminal suspects who may venture back into the neighborhood.


Download Information Relay System, PDF format
Download Personal and Home Security Survey, PDF format
Nolan County Sheriff's Office

Sweetwater, Nolan County, Texas 79556
Emergency 9.1.1 | Phone | Fax
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