Criminal Mischief (Maryneal)

On Thursday, August 15, 2013, the Nolan County Sheriff’s Office received a report of criminal mischief that occurred at a residence located in the 11200 block of Farm to Market Road 608, in Maryneal. It was reported that at approximately 3:52PM, an unknown person(s) traveling eastbound in a white Chevrolet Impala drove off the roadway, onto the property, and destroyed a new six-strand barbwire fence, several t-posts, and three (3) mesquite trees. The estimated value of the property destroyed and labor to replace have a combined value of approximately $1,000.00.

If you have information regarding this crime or any other unsolved crime, and wish to remain anonymous, call Nolan County Crime Stoppers at 325.235.TIPS (8477) or click here to submit a tip online. Nolan County Crime Stoppers offers a reward of up to $1,000.00 for information that leads to the arrest and filing of charges against the person responsible for this crime, and a reward of up to $1,000.00 for any other unsolved felony crime. Remember, Crime Stoppers wants your INFORMATION not your name.

Upcoming Texas Hunting Seasons for Nolan County

TPWDNote: Please read the Advisories and notes on the TPWD website.

White-tailed Deer

  • Archery Only: Sept. 28-Nov. 1, 2013. No permit required to hunt antlerless deer unless MLD permits have been issued for the property.
  • Bag Limit: 5 deer, no more than 2 bucks, all seasons combined.

General Season: Nov. 2, 2013-Jan. 5, 2014.

Special Late General Season: Jan. 6-19, 2014 (antlerless and spike buck deer only).

  • Special Youth-Only Season: Early open season: Oct. 26-27, 2013. Late open season: Jan. 6-19, 2014.

Bag limits, provision for the take of antlerless deer, and special requirements of the county, shall be as specified for the first 2 days of the general open season.

Licensed hunters 16 years of age or younger may hunt deer by any lawful means during this season.


Open Season: October 1-February 24. Bag Limit: 2.


No closed season. No bag limit.


The annual bag limit for turkey, in the aggregate for all counties, is four (4), no more than one of which may be an Eastern turkey.

  • Fall: Open season: Nov. 2, 2013-Jan. 5, 2014 (either sex).

Archery Only: Sept. 28-Nov. 1, 2013.

Special youth-only (general) fall turkey season: Oct. 26-27, 2013, and Jan. 18-19, 2014. Only licensed hunters 16 years of age or younger may hunt turkey during this season. Bag limit as specified by the general fall turkey season.

  • Spring:

Rio Grande turkey: Open season: Mar. 29-May 11, 2014 (Gobblers and bearded hens).

Special Youth-Only (Rio Grande turkey): Open season: Mar. 22-23, 2014 and May 17-18, 2014.


Statewide: Open season: Oct. 26, 2013-Feb. 23, 2014. Daily bag limit: 15 Possession limit: 45


The area north of Interstate Highway 20 is in the North Zone.

The remainder of the county is in the Central Zone.

School starts Monday – Drive Safely

School ZoneRoscoe School starts Monday, August 12, 2013, Highland and Blackwell Schools start Monday, August 26, 2013, and the Nolan County Sheriff’s Office reminds motorists to use extra caution and obey speed limits, particularly in residential neighborhoods and school zones.

Many young students will walk or ride bicycles to school or to the bus stop, older students will drive themselves to school for the first time this year and will be sharing the road and parking lots with many other new drivers as well as pedestrians, therefore it is important and encouraged that all motorists and young drivers be vigilant and never allow distractions to take their eyes off the road. The use of cell phones in a school zone is prohibited! Put away your cell phone and don’t talk or text while driving! Watch for children at intersections, on curbs and in crosswalks and take extra care when entering and exiting driveways and alleys.

Beware of children darting out from between parked vehicles.

Motorists, use caution when following or approaching a school bus, especially near bus stops. Do not pass a school bus, motorists must stop for all school buses when the stop sign is out and or lights are flashing. This is true even if the bus is on the opposite side of the street.

Deputies will strictly enforce all traffic laws near schools, giving citations that carry greater fines than regular speeding infractions.

“Let’s work together to protect our children so that they have a safe and enjoyable school year.”

Burglary of Habitation (Lake Sweetwater)

On Wednesday, August 7, 2013, the Nolan County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a burglary that occurred at a residence located in the 400 block of County Road 315, in Sweetwater. It was reported that sometime between Sunday, June 30, 2103, at 5:00PM and Wednesday, August 7, 2013, at 9:18PM, an unknown person(s) broke a window, to enter the residence. Once inside, the thieve(s) took a roll of ½” soft copper tubing, and a 10’ joint of 1/2-inch copper pipe. The thieve(s) then broke a window, and entered a shop building and took an air file, and a pneumatic orbital sander. The estimated value of the items that were taken and property that was destroyed have a combined value of approximately $620.00.

If you have information regarding this crime or any other unsolved crime, and wish to remain anonymous, call Nolan County Crime Stoppers at 325.235.TIPS (8477) or click here to submit a tip online. Nolan County Crime Stoppers offers a reward of up to $1,000.00 for information that leads to the arrest and filing of charges against the person responsible for this crime, and a reward of up to $1,000.00 for any other unsolved felony crime. Remember, Crime Stoppers wants your INFORMATION not your name.

Criminal Mischief (Roscoe)

On Friday, July 26, 2013, the Nolan County Sheriff’s Office received a report of criminal mischief that occurred in 1300 block of 7th Street, in Roscoe. It was reported that on Friday, July 26, 2013 between the hours of 5:00AM and 5:24AM, an unknown person traveling westbound in a white vehicle drove off the roadway and hit a gas meter, causing it to break and leak natural gas. The person then drove the vehicle through a yard of an adjacent residence, and destroyed a fence. The combined value of the damaged property is estimated at approximately $1,500.00.

If you have information regarding this crime or any other unsolved crime, and wish to remain anonymous, call Nolan County Crime Stoppers at 325.235.TIPS (8477) or click here to submit a tip online. Nolan County Crime Stoppers offers a reward of up to $1,000.00 for information that leads to the arrest and filing of charges against the person responsible for this crime, and a reward of up to $1,000.00 for any other unsolved felony crime. Remember, Crime Stoppers wants your INFORMATION not your name.

Theft (Loraine)

On Monday, July 22, 2013, the Nolan County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a theft that occurred in the 100 block of county road 185, in Loraine. It was reported that sometime between Saturday, July 20, 2013 at 12:00AM and Monday, July 22, 2013 at 10:00AM, an unknown person(s) drove onto the property. Once inside, the thieve(s) took farm implements that consisted of nine (9) Alabama sweeps, thirty-two (32) Purma-lock cultivator sweeps, one (1) 7-1/2 gallon propane tank, three (3) simple sweeps, one (1) 9lb sledge hammer, one (1) Proto ratchet, and an adjustable black wrench. The combined value of the property taken is estimated at approximately $2,013.20.

If you have information regarding this crime or any other unsolved crime, and wish to remain anonymous, call Nolan County Crime Stoppers at 325.235.TIPS (8477) or click here to submit a tip online. Nolan County Crime Stoppers offers a reward of up to $1,000.00 for information that leads to the arrest and filing of charges against the person responsible for this crime, and a reward of up to $1,000.00 for any other unsolved felony crime. Remember, Crime Stoppers wants your INFORMATION not your name.