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Past Sheriff's
The office of sheriff, here in Texas, superseded the alguacils (executive officer of the court) of Spanish and Mexican rule and has been provided for under every Texas constitution. The Texas Constitution of 1876 declared that sheriffs were to be elected biennially in each county; however, the term of office was extended to four years by a constitutional amendment in 1954.

Texas sheriffs, who are all peace officers, act as the conservator of the peace, the executive officer of the county and district courts, and serve writs and process. Texas sheriffs and their deputies also enforce traffic laws, as well as supervise the county jail.

The Nolan County Sheriff's Office has a proud tradition of serving the citizens of Nolan County back to 1881, the year of Nolan County was founded.

Since 1881 there have been 22 elected sheriffs here in Nolan County. We want to recognize each of these men below.

2009-2024 David Warren    
1997-2009 Donnie Rannefeld    
1983-1997 Jim Blackley    
1977-1983 Don Underwood    
1969-1977 Joe Slater    
1953-1969 Ted Lambert    
1949-1953 Calvin Montgomery    
1945-1949 W.L. Sample    
1943-1945 J.D. Lambert    
1937-1943 Tom Wade    
1928-1937 J.D. Lambert    
1922-1928 Jack Yarbrough    
1918-1922 D.E. Bardwell    
1914-1918 Jack Yarbrough    
1912-1914 J.H. Bond    
1906-1912 T.E. Crutcher    
1899-1906 W.F. McGaughey    
1896-1899 Pete M. Hall    
1892-1896 James Franklin Newman    
1883-1892 H.G. Bardwell    
1881-1882 John Calvin "J.C." Montgomery    
Nolan County Sheriff's Office

Sweetwater, Nolan County, Texas 79556
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